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Visqueen Cavity Drain Membrane System Components

CAVITY MEMBRANE TAPES AND FIXINGS Visqueen CM Butyl Rope - a double-sided self adhesive butyl tape, 10mm x 5m Visqueen CM Butyl Tape - a double-sided self adhesive butyl tape, 28mm x 22.5m Visqueen CM Butyl Overseal Tape - a single-sided self adhesive butyl tape, 75mm x 22.5m Visqueen CM Butyl Corner Detail Tape - a single-sided self adhesive butyl tape, 150mm x 20m, 2 rolls per box Visqueen CM Brick Plug with seal washer - masonry plugs, 60mm x 10mm, 100 per bag CAVITY DRAIN COMPONENTS Visqueen CD Water Channel with upstand - a water channel, 80mm wide, 45mm deep, 2m length, 55mm high upstand Visqueen CD Water Channel without upstand - a water channel, 80mm wide, 45mm deep, 2m length Visqueen CD Universal Channel - a combined water channel without upstand, that includes an upper 45mm internal diameter inspection port and 100mm internal diameter bottom pipe outlet. The channel is 90mm wide, 55mm deep, 360mm length Visqueen CD Jointing Section - a jointing unit that connects two sections of a water channel Visqueen CD Stop End - an end cap unit for a water channel Visqueen CD Swept Corner - a right angled unit that connects two sections of water channel at a corner Visqueen CD T Piece - a T shaped unit that connects three sections of water channel at a three way junction Visqueen CD Jetting Eye - a section of water channel with upstand which includes a flexible 35mm internal diameter inspection/cleaning/maintenance port Visqueen CD 50mm Outlet - a unit that connects a water channel to a 50mm diameter waste pipe POLYETHYLENE SUMPS, PUMPS, CONTROL PANELS AND ALARM SYSTEMS A wide range of systems are available. For further guidance contact Visqueen Technical Support.

Features & Benefits

  • Used with Visqueen CM8 Membrane and Visqueen CM20 Membrane
  • Full range of system components - ensures a complete cavity membrane and drainage system in accordance with BS 8102:2022
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Visqueen is a trading name of British Polythene Limited a company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 350729 and having its registered office at Corby Hub, 4 Sallow Road, Weldon North Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 5JX

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