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Visqueen CM8 Membrane

Visqueen CM8 Membrane is a 8mm studded cavity membrane formed from 0.45mm thick high density polyethylene (HDPE). The cavity membrane is translucent off-white in colour and supplied in rolls, 2m x 20m which includes an 85mm stud free overlap flange along the length of the roll. Visqueen CM8HD Membrane is an 8mm studded high density variant that can be used as part of a radon protection system. The membrane is 2m x 20m.

Features & Benefits

  • Suitable for use as part of a Type C waterproofing protection system in accordance with BS 8102:2022
  • Compliant with the requirements of NHBC Chapter 5.4 as a method of waterproofing protection
  • Suitable for heritage buildings and conservation projects - causes little or no damage to the existing structure
  • Suitable for new and retrofit substructure walls, floors, vaults and tunnels
  • Translucent membrane - allows the contractor to view through to the wall substrate and choose the optimum site for each fixing
  • Visqueen CM8HD Membrane is also available - suitable for use as part of a Radon protection system.
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Visqueen is a trading name of British Polythene Limited a company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 350729 and having its registered office at Corby Hub, 4 Sallow Road, Weldon North Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 5JX

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